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Phoenix Lyrics

(You Can't Blame It On) Anybody You can't blame it on anybody Some things they don't last Yo…
10 They say that i Would never be anyone They say that they Kee…
1901 Counting all different ideas drifting away Past and present,…
1901 ) Counting all different ideas drifting away Past and present…
3-I Hopeful days and stormy nights I ain't got much to win,…
3-I'm An Actor I'm an actor I'm doin' well and I want things to…
A Woman Like You You You But Been You When I They Well, 'Cause We Then I And …
About You Winter Snow's falling down Drowning in the cold ground and y…
After Midnight Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere to go Many years ago Would y…
Alpha Zulu Take a moment to decide to compromise You let me know…
Alphabetical Everybody says I'm a lonesome kind of guy I've been defeated…
Andrii Popa Autor muzica: Mircea Baniciu Autor versuri: text popular …
Angel Listen girl I know you might be, getting compliments But I…

Anule hanule S-au dus trei hoti, trei hoti de cai La un drum…
Anybody You can't blame it on anybody Some things they don't last Yo…
Apocalipsa Negru ca smoala-i cerul... Negre dihanii vin... Moartea-i …
Ar Vrea Un Eschimos Intr-un iglu de vata Unde visurile-si gata L-adapost de fr…
Armistice Dahlias, they come from me A promise to get well That ain't…
Artefact No sé si sabias tú Ni si sabias tú Que todo se…
Baba Novak Armia Măriei sale, Constantinopol, La furat &#3…
Bankrupt Justice done People in fashion Rattle, don't hesitate I loo…
BEEF Ich will doch nur beef mit den Rappern Ich will doch…
Boot It Up Standing on the top but I just wanna fuck it…
Bourgeois Darling you never know It started years ago When you're less…
BREATHE Raining down On tireless parades Hope only lasts so long Tha…
Canarul Canarul galben ca un galbenus Cu pene moi si ochii dusi Ca…
Cântec-lu cucuveaua-lliei Cucuveaua-mbufnată S-nu ti-aflai d-iu ti-ai aflată Ți eșț-ah…
Ceata II Ne-a iesit cu plinu-n cale, seara la fintina, Noi, flaminzi…
Chloroform I don't always tell the truth They don't mind it if…
Consolation Prizes It started all in early September When my god given little…
Cookin' Some guys choose a restaurant as a place to eat Where…
Countdown Countdown unless you're juvenile, let's go God bless you're …
Courtesy Laughs I had a fever to empty your closet I didn't think…
Dansul codrilor Ziua fiind pe terminate Noaptea o alunga departe Cu-ale ei…
Definitive Breaks [ INSTRUMENTAL ]…
Delfinul / Dulce Dulful Nostru / Uciderea Balaurului / Stima Casei Frate Dulf frate Dulf Dulce Dulf fratele nostru ești Dulce D…
Delfinul dulce Dulful nostru Frate Dulf, frate Dulf, Dulce Dulf, fratele nostru esti. Dul…
Diet Of The Heart Diet of the heart, help him fade away Written in the…
Don't Just don't bother Don't fed the animals Don't let them run i…
Don't Fool Me I don't really here you when you speak your mind I…
Dont Just don't bother Don't fed the animals Don't let them run i…
Drakkar Noir You could do it better Drakkar Noir Cheap fixtures, religiou…
Easy It's kinda easy yea Just to enjoy the ride When I live…
Electric (Verse 1) Caught in the rhythm, your touch ignites A spark i…
Embuscade [ INSTRUMENTAL ]…
Entertainment Headline from this day on Why you keep pretending that you…
Everything Is Everything Things are gonna change And not for better Don't know what i…
Fairytale As I sit and stare for hours Knowin' there won't be…
Fata verde Fată verde cu părul pădure Fată verde cu părul pădure Simți …
Fences Fences in a row Fences in a row Wired and protected in…
Filip și Cerbul Un cerb trecea Cerbul Soare Prin somnul tău închisoare Prin …
Fior di Latte The picture on your phone Could do so much wrong But we'll…
Fleur de Lys Some of you lost, some of you with attitude Many have…
Fluier în Cer Fluier în cer noaptea e ziua-n care pier Fluier în cer…
From the Ashes We all know the bad times When life gets dark and…
Funky Square Dance Hopeful days and stormy nights I ain't got much to win,…
Funky Squaredance Hopeful days and stormy nights I ain't got much to win,…
Girlfriend Tired out, not a miracle in days Oh, yeah Deciders for the…
Goodbye Soleil To get alone with you To drag you home would do…
Hăituit Nimic n-a fost atat de roz, Nimic n-a fost cum trebuia, Co…
Holdin on Together He told me a heart can't smile If it's filled with…
Holding on together He told me a heart can't smile If it's filled with…
Honeymoon Every Sunday I go to Hollywood I buy my ticket To see the…
I Believe Well this is rather unexpected Never thought I'd meet a prin…
I Don't Mind I don't know you I don't know you Pop the game…
I Love A Piano I LOVE YOU (PHOENIX) Oooh won’t you be mine, ooh won’t…
I Love You You You But Been You When I They Well, 'Cause We Then I And …
I'm an Actor I'm an actor I'm doin' well and I want things to…
I'm In Love You, you make my skies blue You're taking me to higher plane…
Identical I don't just know you I've grown like that too (Identical, i…
If ever feel better They say an end can be a start Feels like I've…
If It's Not With You If it's not with you There is no thing that makes…
Im an Actor I'm an actor I'm doin' well and I want things to…
In umbra marelui urrs Stau singur și mă-ntreb De ce-am plecat de-acasă Să fie bles…
Invocatie Vouă, celor din hronici, pecetii şi herburi, fiarelor nepăs…
Iovano Iovanke Iovano, Iovano Krai vadarot sedish mori belo platno belish B…
Istanbul Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constanti…
It's All Real You are my Weave queen My weave baby You're my weave lady Ke…
J-Boy Something in the middle of the side of the store Got…
Just Another Day The white sand beach are all my home What will I…
Lasso Where would you go? Not long ago I've been thinking out…
Liber Cât am crezut în prietenie, S-au tot tinut de mine-o mie, …
Lift Me Up It′s like a switch that I flip on and off…
Lisztomania So sentimental Not sentimental, no Romantic not disgusting y…
Lisztomania (Classixx version) So sentimental Not sentimental no! Romantic not discussing i…
Liztomania So sentimental Not sentimental, no Romantic, not disgustin…
Long Distance Call Where to go I had no idea 26.10 was the price…
Lost & Found So you've got your own little story to tell Some…
Love For Granted These days are gone Loud enough to hold on I think about…
Love Like a Sunset Here comes, a visible horizon. Right where it starts and end…
Love Like a Sunset Part I it comes a visible horizon right where it starts and ends oh…
Love Like a Sunset Pt. 1 It comes A visible horizon Right where it starts it ends Oh,…
Lovelife I never thought I'd get you alarmed Pretend and let pretend…
Mama Mama Oh Mama, ich schwöre dir, es tut mir leid Oh Mama,…
Meşterul Manole Pe Arges in gios, Pe un mal frumos. Negru Voda trece, Cu …
Mica țiganiadă Trec ţigani pe drum, Drumu-i plin de fum, Fumu-i plin de scr…
Mila 2 de Lângă 3 O chitară Și un cort Și o mare Și un port Geamandura E pe ni…
Mugur de fluier Îmi simt sufletul mugur de fluier, Ce-a doinit cântec cu şui…
Muzica și muzichia Pasăre de galben Care-mi stai în carpen Nu vrei să asculți m…
Napoleon Says You know your French well Didn't take any decision so far Hi…
Nebunul cu ochii închiși Pe un munte într-o țară foarte-ndepărtată Stă un om cu ochii…
Negru Voda NEGRU VODA, balada (Nicolae Covaci, text popular) Negru …
No Way Back Cover del grupo Magic, adaptación letra al español, Tamara &…
Norocul Inorogului Monoceros est beste, un cor at en la teste. Pur ço issi…
Numai una Pe umeri pletele-i curg rau, Mladie-i ca un spic de grau, …
Nunta Bine-i mirelui, Ca nu-i nime-n lume ca mireasa lui. Uita-t…
Oblique City I wanted out of the biblical bets Oblique city, credentials …
On Fire Baby, our city's on fire Don't you know it's going to…
One Time Too Many Quiet please, turn it off, shut it down Slow down your…
Ora-hora In inima padurii, In lumina ochilor de fiara Se rotesc, F…
Orașul scufundat În valuri mă arunc În noaptea din adânc Cobor spre orașul sc…
Orujo We all go to spend the vacaciones, In the land…
Paparuga Păpărugă rugă ia ieși de ne udă C-o găleată de-apă păstă…
Party Time Summertime is gone And I don't wanna lose you I don't wanna…
Pasărea Calandrinon Vine fără s-o chemi i-auzi bate-n geam Intră fără să-i ceri…
Pasărea de Foc Lin... Spre albastrul senin Se ridică din vale, Din reavă…
Pasărea Roc...k and Roll Mare este Roc Zace-ntr-un abis abisian Se-nvarteste-n loc Si…
Pavel Chinezu, leat 1479 Hei... Hei... Sus la munte, sus La izvorul Cernii In inima …
Phoenix Iata, vine din nou cel hranit cu numai roua de la…
Playground Love I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor Love…
Rally Hook up with me, meet at the rally Follow the…
Rise Above Jealous cowards try to control They distort what we say Try …
Role Model But you thought they put their best man on it Give…
Rome Who's the boy I like the most Is it is teasing…
Run Run Run Business calls me, trouble down the waterfront You know, I t…
Running All this distance That's between us I don't like this No thi…
S.O.S In Bel Air Well I really got to go now Phony eyes and you're…
Scara Scarabeului Fără pârghie fără scripet O gânganie-așa măruntă Că ar fi ea…
School's Rules [ INSTRUMENTAL ]…
Second To None Second to none, I wouldn't seriously get involved in a…
Singur Singur sunt pe drum, Ce las în urma mea e scrum... Acum Ş…
Sirena Cine ti-a auzit vreodata, Cine ti-a auzit vreodata, Gal…
Sirena-Pasărea Rock And Roll Rock n Roll Mood On the road to another show in…
Something Like This Ha ha ha You know what it is man It's E_Phoenix man I…
Sometimes In A Fall Go out and tell the society The talk of the town…
Sometimes In The Fall Go out and tell the society The talk of the town…
SOS In Bel Air Well I really got to go now Phony eyes and you're…
Știma Casei Frate Dulf frate Dulf Dulce Dulf fratele nostru ești Dulce D…
Strunga In padurea de la strunga, hei... Sunt de cei cu pusca…
Summer Days I've spent all summer days driving I'm tired of holidays rui…
Te intreb pe tine soare Dimineata-mi strica somnul, Visurile mi le prada Ca sa-mi …
Te întreb pe tine soare.. Ah Dimineața-mi strică somnul (dimineața-mi strică somnul) V…
Telefono Pronto? Sì Come va a Hollywood? Oh, you're staying a little …
The Dawn Oh when the days just starts to get cold i dont wanna…
The Measure of a Man But how did he died But how did he live But what…
The Real Thing They say that you don't You promised you will I'm calling my…
The Secret After a while The voices quieten After a time Some seemingly…
Ti Amo Let me tell you what it is Do you mind if…
Timisoara Dus e spre apus cel haiduc Noaptea nu-l miroºi duºmanul Cu…
Toamna Sus pe dealuri toamna pune, Miristi galbene-n lumina, Arat…
Tonight Could you, could you come tonight? Instead of going under Co…
Too Young Baby when I saw you turning at the end of…
Totuși sînt ca voi Văd o lume mirată Ce se uită la mine Uluită de parcă N-aș…
Trying to Be Cool City and desert coexist Depending on the things you're weari…
Tuttifrutti Tell me, tell me, tell me What you're after Rush it, rush…
Uciderea Balaurului Frate Dulf frate Dulf Dulce Dulf fratele nostru ești Dulce D…
Ulciorul Din lutul ud si moale Din mina cea maiastra Existi ca sa…
Vara Dorm, lanurile coapte, Dorm, soaptele de dor. Lin curge pe…
Vasiliscul şi Aspida Mult te rog, îti fac ispita, vrednic fabulist: zi-mi cev…
Via Veneto You feed me to the lions, bring me to the…
Victim of the Crime Come, come Dropping off the radar Come, come Dropping off th…
Vremuri Hei, tramvai, cu etaj si tras de cai, Hei, joben, ce…
Walking In The Sky In the darkness, lost and blind Searching for a hope I…
Winter Solstice A restricted area Shaped like a petunia Thank God you know y…
You Can't Blame It On) Anybody You can't blame it on anybody Some things they don't last Yo…
Zoomahia Aceasta e Zoomahia, razboiul al fiarelor. Bellum ferrarum,…
Zori de zi E dimineata zori de zi Uite pleaca dracii mii, E dimineata…

Dragos Raileanu

on Ora-hora that's the band, actually, the romanian one ... ... it's name is actually just Phoenix, please see their page

More Versions