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Court and Spark
Joni Mitchell Lyrics

Car On A Hill I've been sitting up waiting for my sugar to show I've…
Court and Spark Love came to my door With a sleeping roll And a madman's…
Down to You Everything comes and goes Marked by lovers and styles of clo…
Free Man In Paris The way I see it, he said, you just can't…
Help Me Help me I think I'm falling In love again When I get that…
Just Like This Train I'm always running behind the time Just like this train Shak…
People's Parties All the people at this party They've got a lot of…
Raised on Robbery He was sitting in the lounge of the Empire Hotel He…
Same Situation Again and again the same situation For so many years Tethere…
Trouble Child Up in a sterilized room Where they let you be lazy Knowing…
Twisted My analyst told me That I was right out of my…