There are 3 bands with this name:
1. South Korean rock band izi
2. Br… Read Full Bio ↴There are 3 bands with this name:
1. South Korean rock band izi
2. Brazilian pop rock band IzI
3. Italian trap singer Izi
1. members:
Oh Ji Sung (Vocals)
Lee Dong-won (Guitar)
Shin Seung-ik (Bass)
Kim Joon-han (Drums)
‘Izi’ is the modern rock group who first began their career in early 2003, while university freshman performing in the active music scene near Hongdae.
They met Shin Dong-woo, who was surprised by their talent and suggested that the group further develop their skills through live sessions. The group began preparations for an album, including recording album sessions for top acts like Wax, MC The Max and Sky. With producer Shin at the helm, the group also developed their own live shows, gaining popularity and strength as professional “musicians.”
The young band, still in their early 20s, has displayed their superb musical talents and their song-writing and sessions are highly-requested by established musical acts.
They took part in the recording of most of the songs from the OST of the hit drama “Kwegul Chun-hyang/ Sassy Girl Chun-hyang,” including the theme song of the drama, “Emergency Room.”
Izi’s “Emergency Room” was a hit song and even gained popularity as cell phone ring-tones and caller rings.
The group’s 1st album, including “Emergency Room,” “It’s Dark,” “Man,” and “From A Distance” was released in 2005.
2.Izi is a brazilian pop rock band formed in São Paulo by Annah Flavia (vocals), Giu (guitar), Diego (Bass) and Daga (drums). With short exposure time has chained the song “Primeiro Beijo” (First Kiss) in the novel Tititi by Rede Globo and opened the concerts of the tour of the mexican singer and former RBD Christopher Von Uckermann
3. Izi is an italian trap / rap singer from Genova (Italy).
1. South Korean rock band izi
2. Br… Read Full Bio ↴There are 3 bands with this name:
1. South Korean rock band izi
2. Brazilian pop rock band IzI
3. Italian trap singer Izi
1. members:
Oh Ji Sung (Vocals)
Lee Dong-won (Guitar)
Shin Seung-ik (Bass)
Kim Joon-han (Drums)
‘Izi’ is the modern rock group who first began their career in early 2003, while university freshman performing in the active music scene near Hongdae.
They met Shin Dong-woo, who was surprised by their talent and suggested that the group further develop their skills through live sessions. The group began preparations for an album, including recording album sessions for top acts like Wax, MC The Max and Sky. With producer Shin at the helm, the group also developed their own live shows, gaining popularity and strength as professional “musicians.”
The young band, still in their early 20s, has displayed their superb musical talents and their song-writing and sessions are highly-requested by established musical acts.
They took part in the recording of most of the songs from the OST of the hit drama “Kwegul Chun-hyang/ Sassy Girl Chun-hyang,” including the theme song of the drama, “Emergency Room.”
Izi’s “Emergency Room” was a hit song and even gained popularity as cell phone ring-tones and caller rings.
The group’s 1st album, including “Emergency Room,” “It’s Dark,” “Man,” and “From A Distance” was released in 2005.
2.Izi is a brazilian pop rock band formed in São Paulo by Annah Flavia (vocals), Giu (guitar), Diego (Bass) and Daga (drums). With short exposure time has chained the song “Primeiro Beijo” (First Kiss) in the novel Tititi by Rede Globo and opened the concerts of the tour of the mexican singer and former RBD Christopher Von Uckermann
3. Izi is an italian trap / rap singer from Genova (Italy).
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