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Youssou N'Dour Lyrics

4-4-44 4-4-44 (4-4-4-44) môm sa bopp mô neikh 4-4-44 (4-4-4-44) gui…
7 Seconds Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni…
Africa Dream The telephone's not answered So many times you'll call For m…
Africa Remembers Stand Up Stand Up Wakhtou dafa djott niou mom sunu bopp Wakh…
Alboury 4-NICOLE'S DAY AT SCHOOL Nicole tells her mother Susan about…
Allah allah allah allah allahhhh allah allah allah allahhhh sounio…
Amitié Sincérité ak mandou thi walou gou né Mome nga ma xamal Digni…
Ay Chona La I never thought that being in love Would be like this Love…
Ay Chono La Ndéké mbeuguel nii la Ndéké yaw rek lenen la Nit di na…
Ba Tay Lou amoul foula ak fayda ba tay Mane dal bokou ma…
Baay Faal Baay Faal baay faal gueu da djook thia fadjar nga sène ko…
Badiene NICOLE'S LOSE ELECTION Nicole loses the election at school. …
Badou b AROLES-YOUSSOU-NDOUR, BADOU, 103002335.html" title="parole…

Bamako Si gare bi lako fekkeu, Mi ngui sanguo seur Té beut yi…
Bamba Do you hear me father Bamba Did they hear you…
Be careful Be careful be careful dakh tomorrow you don't know So bougou…
Bekoor Mbaye maral wi métina yay Békor bi yaxna ndeysan Ndimbal lag…
Bes Be careful be careful dakh tomorrow you don't know So bougou…
Beugue dou Bagne Couple bi Maye dadiéle soumaye dokhanetou dji Foléne séne Gn…
Bëy Bou andoul ak moromi beyum Bou moytouélé ande ak théré Bou a…
Beykat Beykat Youssou N…
Birima Maysa tende jodo yaa moom liile Maysa tende jodo yaa moom…
Bololene 15-NICOLE PRACTICES HER ELECTION SPEECH Nicole is running fo…
Borom Gal NICOLE′S CLOSE ELECTION Nicole loses the election at school.…
Boul Bayékou 2-BOB RETURNS HOME WITH BAD NEWS Bob tells his wife Susan…
Bull Ko Door Sett len si yalla li dé niawna yen gnii di…
C'Est l'Amour Souma wahtané ak sama ñeguenay nah goudi dey yokou xel,…
Cheikh Ibra Fall Mbeur mi niu nan IBRA-FALL, 100727413.html" title="paroles C…
Chimes Of Freedom Well, far between sundown's finish and midnight's broken tol…
Confession Io waxma Nanelay deff Meunuma ci dara Mane xawma Lanelay def…
Country Boy 19-NICOLE'S CLOSE ELECTION Nicole loses the election at scho…
Couple's Choice Né li motah sawarouma am dome Bouma kholé fima diar Wayé man…
Del Sol Dale He boul deff tankunen Tankunen dh meunala andil problème beu…
Diallo Boy I am so tired I'll be glad when I get…
Djamil Du nil, du nil bëgg naa nga létt ma walla…
Djino kou guisse sa beut yi di khol mbaye gueye dioudal…
Don't look back If it's love that you're running from, there's no hiding…
Don't Walk Away Because what we keep inside Should be brought out now If i…
Exodus Saï saï we want africa unite Without conflict exodus Saï saï…
Fenene Aw Oy Aw Oy Woy woy Wouy fenen Wouy fenen wouy fenen wouy fe…
Food For All Last night I saw in my dream All over the world Food…
Gorée Bama démé gorée manne Andak samayyy kharite Demm sa keur dia…
Habib faye Adduna bi du dara, te dara xaj u fi Bi Lahii…
Hey You Ndékkété yo beugouloma Ndékkété yo nobouloma Ndékkété yo fal…
Hope I never know But now I know [Foreign content] Some day we'll…
How Come Yo As the universe expands I contemplate whether it was…
Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux Rien n'est jamais acquis à l'homme Ni sa force Ni sa…
Immigrés 19-NICOLE′S CLOSE ELECTION Nicole loses the election at scho…
Immigrés/Bitim Rew Ibu Njaay Fama Ibu Njaay Fama Waw bitim reew ña fa nekk…
In Your Eyes Love I get so lost, sometimes Days pass and this emptiness…
Jaary Ye Traditional…
Jealous Guy I was dreaming of the past And my heart was beating…
Kadou Dans le village, l′eau et les hommes avaient disparu Les fem…
Kocc Barma 21-SUSAN GETS A SURPRISE CALL Donna from the National Cookie…
Lang 8-TED FORMS A ROCK BAND Ted plans to become a successful…
Le Climat Sèdd bi ak tanggay bi dafa melni léeppa yém Bou ci…
Leaving Dem dem Dem fan Den ndax lan Baya ko mom Dem nguir xee b…
Leaving (Dem) Dem dem Dem fan ? Den ndax lan ? Baya ko mom Dem nguir…
leopold koor joor Traditional…
Létt ma Du nil, du nil Bëgg naa nga létt ma walla…
Li Ma weesu My past always comes back as in a mirror Sometimes I…
Li Ma Weesu (As In a Mirror) [Comme dans un miroir] My past always comes back as in a mirror Sometimes I…
Liggeey It is almost impossible to catch up And no one knows…
Live Television 1er couplet ouragan ouppeul assamane ba djante leer ma djano…
Mama Bamba Do you hear me father Bamba Did they hear you father…
Mame Bamba Do you hear me father Bamba Did they hear you…
Mbeggeel Noonu la (Because Love's Like That) [L'amour en est ainsi] Be with the one you love and the joy will…
Medina 3-TED'S DAY AT SCHOOL Ted tells his parents he did poorly…
Mercy Ayé Hey heyy heyy heyy Ayé Hey heyy heyy heyy Loukoo daal…
Miss Han' ma wakh ko ben yoon te dem miss yi…
Money Money All they want is the money money All they need is…
Moon Traditional…
Mouvement Mouvement (dunya) (Youssou N…
My Daughter Sama dome niaar fouki ate ak niar x2 Di nga guiss niaw…
My hope is in you I never know But now I know [Foreign content] Some day we'll…
My People Ma ngui binde way bi diko méy Gneup gni ma beugue…
N'Dobine Rien n'est jamais acquis à l'homme Ni sa force Ni sa…
nanette ada Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni…
Ndiadiane Ndiaye NICOLE'S CLOSE ELECTION Nicole loses the election at school.…
New Africa Mane Youssou Ndour! Ma ngi wo! bépeu domi Africaaaa! Gnou b…
No More 11-BOB DRIVES A HARD BARGAIN Carol from the Village Market c…
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace Molly is the singer…
Oh Boy Soy nelaw mingui xol Ngay defar mingui xalat Yakk bu gueneu …
Old Man 6-SUSAN STAYS HOME AND BAKES COOKIES Susan decides to cheer …
One Day SET Sét Sé-toyé ni sét sét si sa xé-lo Ni sét Sét si…
Pitche Mi Stand Up Stand Up Wakhtou dafa djott niou mom sunu bopp Wakh…
Please wait Please Wait (Youssou N…
Plus fort Saat kau jatuh saat kau rapuh ku tetap ada Saat kau…
Pullo Àrdo Ku fi ñëw mu jangal la Nax mi moo ko moon…
Red clay Every morning, when it is time to pray For the finest…
Redemption Song Old pirates, yes, they rob I sold i to the…
Rit fa tama: Riti fa tama Traditional…
Sa Doole 24-AMBER WRITES A SONG Ted always writes the songs for the…
Saawa Ji Moot Na Waay Traditional…
Sabar Sabar, sabarlah cintaku Hanya sementara kau harus dengannya …
Salimata Tay si souba Mane dama dadjek Khalé bouma nekh mane Ma ladj …
Sama Gàmmu Nanga def yaw sama gàmmu dégg naa da nga yor…
Sama guent guii 20-BOB GETS AN ANGRY CALL FROM CAROL Carol calls Bob to tell…
Samba Traditional…
Same Sound is the same for all the world Everybody has a…
Senegal Fa Yandé Codou Sène Traditional…
Serin fallu Serigne Fallou moye mbegoug mouride yi louweer Buur Yalla mo…
Set Have a clear mind Be pure in your heart Be sure in…
Seven Seconds Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni…
Shakin the Tree Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon, We are shakin' the tree…
Shakin' The Tree Waiting your time, dreaming of a better life Waiting your ti…
Shaking The Tree Souma Yergon, Sou Nou Yergon We are shakin' the tree Souma Y…
She doesn't need to fall Take care of her, shelter her, feed her, protect her Like…
Shukran Bamba shukran lakah... modou bamba mounoumala faye khana ma wayla …
Silence 7-SUSAN HIRES BOB TO RUN HER BUSINESS Susan stays up all…
Sinebar Gtgggt…
So Many Men I feel like a bird today I'm gonna show you, I'm…
Solidarite Yéyéyéyéyé la Yéyéyéyé la I know love, I know freedom and I…
Sportif Woyal sa wayu ndam ii Dangay bégël sa xol bi Ndax yaa…
Survie Vois comme les gens vivent leurs moyens trop limités Quand…
Téléphone Mineuneté sou amoul, thioféle dé dotoulame Thioféle dé, sou …
Tell Me Tell me Wakh ma Dis-moi Yaw loy khalaat Tell me Wakh ma Dis-…
Ten Yooro Waal Adaam Faniing Feno Juufeen Traditional…
Teyel Ko 18-EVERYONE BAKES COOKIES Bob tells his family the cookies a…
The Lion Fo deug marawath soungou gaindé la Ndiaye gaindé boure leuh …
The Same Sound is the same for all the world Everybody has a…
Things Unspoken Be alert to what you see on television and at…
This Dream This Dream (Youssou N…
Toxiques Rich countries Make toxic waste Why should they send it to …
Tukki Yoon wi nga jël baaxul ku la koy digël da…
Undecided né japoulo, té bayi wo sé deng, deng dé japoulo, té…
Useless Weapons Be alert to what you see on television and at…
Wiri This was leading nowhere My plans had failed The light was s…
Wiri Wiri This was leading nowhere My plans had failed The light…
Without a Smile Youssou N'Dour WRITTEN BY: Youssou N. Dour LAST UPDATE ON: J…
x Traditional…
Xale No no no no No, no no no no Ne xale bi Bëgguma…
Xale Rewmi Gudde, maasa gudde jeddi ma na konto maasa gudde waw ye xale…
Xaliss 22-SUSAN SHARES THE GOOD NEWS Bob tells Susan that the Villa…
Xuloo-Bi 5-TED GOES OUT FOR THE EVENING Ted leaves to go visit…
Yama Soubateel, bamuy barilé Ñi di déloo sen palanter Ngir baña x…
Yaru If you want to go out, If you want to go…
Yo Le Le 25-TED BRINGS HOME MORE GOOD NEWS Ted tells his family that …


on The Lion - Gaiende

Fo deug marawath soungou gaindé la

The lyrics translated above certainly don't agree with anything I found. In Wolof, Youssou's language, those words are very different than what is posted here. I thing the contributor fantasized a translation.


on Djino

merci pour votre travail

Ali Lebeko

on Birima

Always soulful and heartthrobing performance

More Versions